
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another. – Anatole France

The moral of this quote delves into the complex nature of change and transition. It acknowledges that even positive or desired changes can bring a sense of loss or sadness because they often involve letting go of familiar aspects of our lives, which have become integral to our identity. This quote suggests that change is not just about embracing something new, but also about mourning and releasing what was. The metaphor of dying to one life before entering another highlights the transformative nature of significant changes, requiring us to leave behind old selves, habits, or environments to fully step into new experiences or phases of life. This moral teaches that accepting the bittersweet nature of change is part of the human experience, encouraging a deeper understanding and acceptance of the emotional complexities involved in growth and personal evolution. It invites introspection and a recognition that the melancholy felt in times of change is not just normal but an essential part of moving forward and evolving as individuals.

Padding Classes
w3-padding-smallPadding 4px top and bottom, and 8px left and right.
w3-paddingPadding 8px top and bottom, and 16px left and right.
w3-padding-largePadding 12px top and bottom, and 24px left and right.
w3-padding-16Padding 16px top and bottom
w3-padding-24Padding 24px top and bottom
w3-padding-32Padding 32px top and bottom
w3-padding-48Padding 48px top and bottom
w3-padding-64Padding 64px top and bottom
w3-padding-tinyDeprecated (Use CSS padding instead)
w3-padding-mediumDeprecated (Use w3-padding instead).
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w3-padding-0Deprecated (Use CSS padding:0 instead)
w3-padding-leftDeprecated (Use CSS padding-left instead)
w3-padding-rightDeprecated (Use CSS padding-right instead)
w3-padding-topDeprecated (Use CSS padding-top instead)
w3-padding-bottomDeprecated (Use CSS padding-bottom instead)
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