Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman. – Maya Angelou
The essence of this quote lies in the moral that embracing change, though challenging, is often a necessary step towards personal growth and fulfillment. It acknowledges that stepping onto a new path can be daunting, filled with uncertainties and difficulties. However, it emphasizes that staying in a situation that stifles growth or does not nurture one's entirety—especially in the context of a woman's well-being and development—is even more detrimental. The moral here is a powerful reminder that the discomfort of change is a temporary challenge, outweighing the prolonged struggle of remaining in an unfulfilling or harmful situation. It encourages taking brave leaps towards environments and opportunities that allow for holistic nurturing and growth, emphasizing the importance of self-care and personal development in the pursuit of a fulfilling life.
Class | Defines |
w3-dropdown-hover | Hoverable dropdown element |
| Hoverable dropdown element (used in w3-bar) |
| Hoverable dropdown element (used in w3-bar-block) |
| Hoverable dropdown element (used in w3-sidebar) |