The "W3CSS Webform" is a comprehensive and versatile sub-module found within the "W3CSS Paragraphs" module in Drupal, designed to enhance the aesthetic and functional aspects of web forms. This module specifically leverages the styling capabilities of W3.CSS, a modern CSS framework, to offer extensive customization options for web forms integrated into Drupal websites. To utilize this module effectively, the Drupal Webform module must be pre-installed as it forms the foundation for creating and managing forms.

Display Tab Features

1. Background Colors

  • Options: 30 different color choices.
  • Functionality: Enables users to select a distinct background color for the form.

2. Background Color Hover

  • Options: 30 color variants.
  • Functionality: Allows for the specification of a hover color, enhancing user interaction.

3. Text Colors

  • Options: 30 different color choices.
  • Functionality: Provides the ability to customize the text color within the form.

4. Text Color Hover

  • Options: 30 color variants.
  • Functionality: Offers hover color options for text, improving readability and user experience.

5. Border Color

  • Options: 30 color choices.
  • Functionality: Enables border color customization for the form.

6. Border Color Hover

  • Options: 30 color options.
  • Functionality: Allows for the setting of a hover color for borders.

7. Background Color Opacity

  • Options: Adjustable from 5% to 95% in 10% increments.
  • Functionality: Provides 330 color variation possibilities through opacity adjustments for the background.

8. Width

  • Options: Ranges from 30% to 100%.
  • Functionality: Allows for the adjustment of the form’s width to suit different layout requirements.

9. Borders

  • Options: 11 different styles.
  • Functionality: Offers a variety of border styles to match the website's design.

10. Round Borders

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- **Options:** 6 styles. - **Functionality:** Enables the application of rounded borders for a softer, more modern look.

11. Margin

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- **Options:** 6 styles. - **Functionality:** Provides control over the external spacing of the form.

12. Padding

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- **Options:** 8 styles. - **Functionality:** Allows for the adjustment of internal spacing within the form.

13. Box Shadow

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- **Options:** 2px or 4px bordered shadow. - **Functionality:** Adds depth and distinction to the form through shadow effects.

14. W3.CSS Classes

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- **Functionality:** Offers an additional field for applying any specific W3.CSS classes for further customization.

Content Tab Features

1. Title

  • Functionality: Provides a field for entering the content title, enhancing the clarity and context of the form.

2. Webform Field

  • Functionality: This crucial feature allows for the referencing of a specific webform. It links the styled paragraph bundle with the functional aspect of form collection and management.


The W3CSS Webform module within Drupal's W3CSS Paragraphs framework is a powerful tool for web developers and site administrators. It provides an extensive range of customization options that can dramatically enhance the visual appeal and user experience of web forms on a Drupal site. By combining the functional robustness of Drupal's Webform module with the aesthetic flexibility of W3.CSS, this module offers an effective solution for creating engaging, responsive, and visually appealing web forms

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